Wednesday, September 5, 2012

retrospective: seigo's art show

 one of my teachers is having a huge art show here in kochi.

 30 years worth of work, 400 pieces.

 their last hurrah, they're going into the dumpster after this.

i was asking him why, if i were an artist, i would rather have
my works up on someone's wall, than in the dumpster.

i'd give my paintings away for free if i could!
but he said that if people get art for free, 
they won't take care of it. 
they don't feel the value in the painting.
that's why he'd rather destroy it.

i understand but deep down i don't.
is art about value? or for enjoyment?
i still feel like i'd rather have my art displayed somewhere,
rather than try to make a buck off of it.

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